NDT Consumables.com

We provide the consumable NDT products you need to complete your complex inspection jobs.

We appreciate you taking the time to visit our store. Though this store is new, our history is lengthy in the NDT business. For nearly 60 years, Stroud Systems has provided a wide variety of NDT and hardness testing solutions to inspection professionals in the Gulf Coast region from our Houston area location.

We established this store to provide a simple resource to purchase the consumable items needed every day by inspection personnel. On this site, we just offer the basic items you need to get the job done.

If you need new test equipment, rental gear, calibrations or repairs, visit our our main website at www.stroudsystems.com. There you will find more in-depth hardware product offerings and literature.

If you have questions, just give us a call at 713-861-3270. If you prefer, email us at orders@ndtconsumables.com. We're here to help.